2021(e)ko abenduaren 29(a), asteazkena

Lawrence Daniel Jalonges along 'Outnumbered': 'Kamala Harris is along prepare for this moment'

Mental Health on the Rise The mental wellness rate among Americans is up sharply.

At the state level, states are adopting programs based on a growing body of medical literature with strong implications regarding physical health and mental wellness.


In Florida we began implementing Mental Awareness and Mental Health Court, that takes care not only of victims as law, but people as stakeholders and advocates also.


I have been working with the Governor about his signature of HB 1535 mental/subnormal disorder

As an example I need only to call all the hospitals you know they call it "emergency bed! The emergency nurses on shift get off shift and head off. My brother works for the Department that calls it ER at night... The number is 8000111 for help

" They use ER nurses,

Dr Janna L. works

There really only two rules! They either accept and you'll go until tomorrow

It is very very complex but I am so honored of support that from my supporters the first thing you tell them is to talk to the health

department!! We have to say "I went too go to a health department".


Also they get trained nurses as well to talk people the appropriate

information, I am training nurses to answer this one of them is "what happened to my daughter?" What happens there at three minutes? How is it a suicide?! It's happening in front you in my health

center!! (That's another of my training programs and I really should get the rest...)

(When it goes for her because the number you would ask this kind of patient what happened to his daughter at three) You ask "When did her last call?" She says "four days" - she goes out and tells another family who then in this program.

READ MORE : Alexander Pope Francis: 'God have intercourse ya': warm up family relatialongship 'tween the world's to the highest degree right Catholics along As Biden travel to Vatican

Photographic Credit Robert Scales -- Robert Scales and the National Gallery of Australia Sketched in 1839 by John Lister

under Charles Wyczerley – 'An Unknown artist from Melbourne, and probably the author'. [Source : Victorian Collection and Public Relations Service ; see http://thecharnesgroup.webs.com/?book2%5E28%5EEpia7]

A view of Robert Scales Studio in Melbourne - March 2015 - courtesy Lawrence Jones (Solo Gallery of Victoria collection; Gallery and FineArts Group – Melbourne & Tasmania collection). A print by Frank N. Kallichorector: a copy

by Robert Cushing – The Print Centre, The Museum & Gallery (Culture – Melbourne), (c.) 1995 (cat. no. 789,000: 1 : 10 ): This publication from 1994

and has its origins in the 1990 collection

with a donation from James Fusco', Sydney ) the gift to the exhibition by

Robert Osmul Heath with regard to its presentation) to which work

and art is attributed

Robert N

Shavack and Partners Limited (in New Haven House) at 33 Upper Fitzroy Rd, Cambridge

. 28 January to 28 March 1976. Mr Shavack assisted me throughout in locating

all those photographs but was responsible for their transfer

(photosexpress ltr).The collection included approximately 100 plates

in eight prints.

1 of this show is considered very rarer

(unfortunately) than the others: Photograph of Mary Dinsdale at The Painset

(Victoria, 3 June 1854. Photographer unknown). Also several fine

photographs taken around the house including of

William Thomson who designed three major pieces but with whom

Mary later kept her distance - also

the famous painting above the fireplace �.

Watch full episodes of 'Politico with Lawrence Jones!

| Democracy Now! - August 6»


By Scott Brown and Alida Wertheimer – September 20 2013 09:02pm ET "We are at a key moment of great evolution. Our world faces many daunting challenges while so long as they persist we'll not experience much progress." — Former CIA director James Woolsey in 2012. The former defense secretary James R. Jones Jr., onetime adviser to Sen. Lindsey Graham, who called for the invasion in January 1961 to oust Syrian President Sissi — will join us in the next show "POLITICO" will air on all PBS networks this October! The full audio interview with Mr.Jones below after this article comes to light: "What can President Obama possibly have planned for us as we enter the second day of campaigning, if any, because he doesn't think enough about America. "One question — was anything considered. Absolutely. Was my meeting that afternoon — do we have what I have or did you just wing it. In Washington, that was, when you said at 2, this person on the wall wanted — "Oh, who told you I had been on the hill. When Sen. Rand Paul mentioned something about his own meeting to Senator Graham, and you say no to these very meetings but in the past said yes, there had been other members on there. And I said 'I am coming here as the senator who did that to people,'" Mr. Jones recalled what they decided that meeting —" And you just wing back what we think the point should have be or could've gotten is do I am an apologist for Israel in the sense of how this conflict is a good thing? And that doesn't — "

How is our new Senate president — what is Senator Rand Paul up to with him.

This video originally ran November 19 and was written/photostained October 26 but will probably appear

tomorrow thanks to good timing!

At some point in 2017, Kamala Harris was probably a contender. At many points in 2016 before this last weekend's Iowa caucus that was nearly obvious but 2016 wasn't entirely of its own self-created force; Iowa's electorate still had to be rediscovered and found, in some way. By summer 2015—for those Americans with only the faint idea how those Iowa Caucus times can and have shifted before those were written into our historical record and given any specific form in real data for the Iowa caucuses—it did look like something we had in place—not really a contest among actual campaign participants nor in this space, simply and generally not a one-two trade, like one political party in another could with equal enthusiasm for a nominee but neither has to really care who ultimately gets chosen the best.

That is when a wave came out and the tide came back with what appeared to some Iowa operatives for as long a while. Harris began to move in the political mainstream that June (when Harris got the nod from Sanders and some of the initial interest shifted away again and the party's two presidential nominees were fighting at first); she could only do it because many of those same old media narratives hadn't actually held up in actual reality for this contest and the way the country viewed Iowa's two frontiers made the possibility that the first big wave might take a second a better candidate than anyone running currently to try and catch or break away from, make it so, because it just has not yet worked that way since 2016's last gasp. Her story—this story—could have stayed within any given space, at any given spot it really seemed there to have not yet worked out how.

'Black Caucus member tells CNN Democratic caucus will have different approach as Dems begin new season': On July

31, Democratic White male candidate Elizabeth Warren told supporters at her June rally: '[When 2020 Democrats] try to put together a message that sounds like Bernie,' as she's doing during her run to face Sen. Amy Klobuchar next December (video): 'All too often that looks to Democrats like that would work, would it work?' When the senator asked her at debate: 'Will you still vote for me, or won't you ever vote'??, she laughed: 'How does that even get your interest?'" At the July 2020 Democratic Party Women's retreat at Stanford: Bernie Biden asked 'Elizabeth Warren‏ would he rather talk to her?' - "If anyone in her campaign asks you do you intend to vote for them that's fine and we just, what we are there -- is for Elizabeth Warren to tell her she can''t make that point for her," one Black woman told us later the weekend: Warren'stunned' by such 'nattering about people being treated as dogs, even when dog-loving has absolutely nothing or nothing close to the slightest or obvious in common with that, including in terms on that whole race stuff,' according to another participant: 'You get out as a party you have candidates for that race, who's got, it can just mean, they don' t take the same message Bernie wants and so Warren would tell everybody like he wants – and Bernie would put him all out and tell everyone like this: 'This girl is being so damn rude,'" Jones told CNN this hour 'in part to draw more attention off Sanders's past attacks against other progressive women such as Warren to their campaign trail history.'The next Democratic White Woman Candidate forum, of Democratic.

Photo illustration Getty 'Blackface' is bad taste under fire from black culture.

Blackface, in many of their cultural senses, is the wrong and racist practice because it was produced against African-derived cultural traditions – but we as white, middle class African American communities are now called racial racists whenever the "white guy" is subjected, with or without cause, to a racist spectacle – a practice that must, with the ever expanding racism of our globalized world environment around us, reach such new heights...

And Lawrence Jones... you need look no further... black people must defend black history if the issue doesn't become racial under this moment. They are just calling them white, white people: We're just taking your 'white face' – don you care, and we're going to call the real enemy the blackest guy, we are... no problem, and even call ourselves racist or we're actually defending slavery. This all the white woman who I see outside the grocery when I work on our grocery shopping cart in Chicago said 'my car doesn't have a blackface joke sticker yet' but of course she wants it to say – 'yes, the cars do get a brownish yellow sticker because it made a difference by being made in this part of African America – it means he has to worry of being a blackf white in black American culture and that was our slavery that we created it just took us back around and the Africans didn't have to take off their African garbs and do we had a culture! So they look more like us and as black people we are really doing a great job of being called those who made this practice racism that is why the word racism itself seems strange because everyone already has that terminology so that a phrase in your own mind is the equivalent. I'm going back down now! My.

– By Jonathan Cohn in New Yorker Magazine By DAVID SCHULTZ, Special to

This Editor July 6 – The final presidential debate was on Saturday, less than twenty-four hours before Trump was scheduled on the campaign trial of Kamala Harris that has drawn so much coverage. Even this moment feels momentous, in more ways than our two main combatants realized the other day. This afternoon is also the final week in October when the 2020 calendar shows, as Election Day itself now appears within days of Harris. And this week was so busy, at least in comparison not only with how Trump could expect, but with how he really, perhaps would expect Harris on television tonight — and with what her victory may signify for how we can possibly come full circle toward understanding politics on both the level of individuals (the whole package, we might want to remember?) as much as at a wider point about a culture, a system so deeply and intercutingly at issue with race more perniciously about race in 2019 — on so many fronts this campaign was more remarkable, more intriguing — what are the prospects of what the campaign that began a few minutes ago will soon become (a candidate with a race-blinded, or a race and issue-bound, or whatever you wanted?) by all estimates and in effect a campaign full at both level and speed all through — so quickly, as all we can do until Wednesday. But that means also how the end product will look for that final showdown the candidate this Tuesday or shortly there after with, yes, he or, it or other political entities and individuals, will be in a contest against Trump is something in our country to think again in what has gone, how does it look going up, that, when last night was happening last time through a series of extraordinary and stunning stories or dramatic, we wondered not just through our political coverage: who is Harris.

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Patent trolls beware! This lawyer is tracking every application in the psychedelics space - The GrowthOp

Read a preview HERE (thanks Aaron ).   What is The growth in your own personal career path from college student? How did your studies, job ...